1000 Japanese flashcard milestone reached

Huzzah, my Japanese flashcard deck has reached 1000 cards in size! While playing games, watching anime, and basically enjoying assorted Japanese media, I look up words and turn them into flashcards to review if I see them enough. It’s pretty cool to see that it’s accumulated up to this much.

The flashcard program I’m using is jMemorize, and if you’re interested, you can check out my 1000-card deck here. I try to make flashcards for words that I’ve seen frequently enough, but who knows if they are really esoteric or not — I am reading some fanciful fiction after all.

At some point, probably during some new year, I resolved to study Chinese regularly, which meant making a number of flashcards every week. At this point, my Chinese deck has been untouched for quite a while now, and I have somehow switched over to Japanese in full force. Definitely, the enjoyment factor is the biggest reason for this. There’s so much in terms of games and media to experience that I would rather spend my time becoming proficient enough to translate and appreciate it natively.

On the other hand, I have only really regularly watched the news in Chinese. Watching domestic news in Chinese is just about as fun as watching domestic news in English: it just isn’t. The international news segments are pretty interesting though, and the special interview segments are pretty cool because they’re typically targeted to the native Chinese demographic. But the news only gets you so far, and I drove myself away from Chinese because the news got too boring. I probably also wanted to focus in on one language as well, but that’s probably just an excuse.

Anyways, I think I can finally say that I know the same amount of vocabulary that an elementary school kid should know. I’m definitely looking forward to the next 1000. Also looking forward to graduating from games and fiction and moving on to more “grown-up” things like science and tech periodicals and other specialized media. And I mean in Chinese or Japanese.

a day updating gentoo

Today incidentally was Gentoo’s bugday, which actually happens the first Saturday of every month. I joined the IRC channel to see what was going on, didn’t do much, ended up just updating and configuring my own Gentoo systems. Anyways, every day is bugday; just visit the bugzilla to find a constant stream of them.

There’s a bug with ndiswrapper that has something to do with wrong number of parameters. People ran into the problem with kernel 2.6.27 and there’s a patch: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2200811&group_id=93482&atid=604452. It’s 2.6.28 now but there hasn’t been an update in the code yet. Grabbing the patch will fix it right away, though.

I always have a sinking feeling when I mass update and break things. Things aren’t streamlined perfectly, but I know enough now that I can fix stuff. Hopefully one day I can fix a bug or two.

Finally configured fluxbox so you can shutdown through the fluxbox menu. Installing sudo and configuring the halt and reboot commands to run without password is the solution. The setup is approaching a comfortable desktop environment without the extra fluff, I like it. Now if I can only figure out the issue with automounting disks…

Someone at Cantodict has published a quick hack to get Chinese-perakun to support Cantonese (haven’t tried it yet), though from a comment it looks like there’s trouble parsing words and multiple pronunciations. I really miss the functionality from Firefox 2 that offered a large popup with both Pinyin and Jyutping. I want to take a closer look at this project and see if it’s humanly possible to bring that back. It’s here: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,86844,86844#msg-86844